Cosmetics are those products which are used to enhance or change the appearance of your look or fragrance and texture of the body. There are many categories into cosmetics to apply on the face, hair, and body. These products are made with a combination of chemical compounds and herbal or natural sources. Makeup category in Cosmetics is generally applied on the face to give a glamorous look. Products like soaps, skin cleansers, lotions, perfumes are applied to the body. Our Hairoil & Shampoo Products are listed in the Personal Care Category.
PS SmartVision Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. has come up with an Ayurvedic product in cosmetics specially for your body named Ayurvedic Sandal Soap. It is a mixture of Turmeric and Red Sandalwood that cures acne, sunburn, blemished and very effective for premature ageing if used regularly.
We are soon launching other products in Cosmetics.